Northville and Novi Libraries
This is Us - Learning
Our next meeting is Tuesday, February 11, 2025 11:30 AM (Lunch-time meeting) at Novi Public Library – 45255 W 10Mile Road
Meeting and lunch starts at 11:30, followed our program and if interested a tour of the library. Our program will feature Novi Public Library director Julie Farkas and Northville District Library director Laura Mancini. The directors will provide an update on library services and the challenges and opportunities that libraries are facing today.

Gun Violence Prevention: Researching What Works
This is Us - Learning
Click Here to View "Gun Violence Prevention" Presentation by Elyse J Thulin, PhD, Assistant Research Professor , Assistant Research Professor University of Michigan Institute for Firearms Injury Prevention, Department of Health Behavior and Health Education, funded by the Center for Disease Prevention and Control.

Membership Campaign with Discount
This is Us - Planning for 2024-2025
First time members and returning members after a 2 year lapse may enjoy a sizable"Shape the Future" National fee discount for just $58.
Attend an AAUW Northville-Novi sponsored event that is open to the public - We meet the second Tuesday of the month September -May.
Membership is for 1 calendar year from original process date.
Click here for the membership form. For additional information email [email protected]
It's AAUW-NN Renewal Season for most of us with June 30th expiration dates - fee is $94.
It's easy to renew online directly to your personal page (you will receive an email from national) or make check payable to:
AAUW-NN, submit to the Treasurer or mail to PO Box 511, Northville, MI 48167.
Renew before May avoid a potential increase and be part of a "Free Membership" drawing.
Click here for the renewal membership form.

Michigan Fashion Designer Showcase
This is Us - Supporting Women
‘Peek at the Unique II’ Saturday, April 13, 2024 at the VisTaTech Center, DiPonio Room, Schoolcraft College was a huge success.
Click here to view photos from this event.
Click here view details of our sponsors, fashion designers, and accessory designers.
Thank you to all of our sponsors, fashion designers, and accessory designers. And to those that purchased tickets.
AAUW Spirit Wear
Order Your Spirit Wear Here
AAUWNN is now offering branch spirit wear in a variety of styles and colors. We also are now offering tote bags to carry all your purchases home! These stylish tops and quilted vests run true to size, are a very nice quality, and are perfect for a fall day!

Simply go to www.Kroger.com/
Since 1993
Welcome to the AAUW Northville/Novi Branch
The Northville-Novi Branch was established in 1975 to promote equity and education for women and girls in the Northville-Novi area. The Branch supports a number of community action projects and we raise funds for local college scholarships. Most importantly, our Branch provides our members with opportunities to associate with like minded women and men through our activities and special interest groups. We join because of what AAUW stands for; we stay because of the friendships we make.
Visitors are welcome at all branch meetings. For information about our meeting times and locations, visit the Branch Programs link.
Our Branch Offers
- A group of educated women with diverse backgrounds and experiences.
- Informative monthly programs from September through May.
- Varied interest groups.
- Community based programs such as Let's Read Math, Career Path Day, Reading in the Schools, and Remember The Ladies.